Monday, January 2, 2017

Congratulations Serena!!

Loved-up: Serena Williams, 35, stepped out in style with her new fiance Alexis Ohanian as they welcomed 2017 in Auckland, New Zealand

I want to congratulate Serena Williams on her engagement. The tennis star is engaged to Reddit co-founder, Alexis Ohanian, and some folks are deep into their feelings over her engagement. The Notep's and Neverloutionaries are pissed because they think they have lost another prominent black woman in their eyes. Who she marries is none of our business. 

The Notep's and their handmaidens have pointed out that Reddit is supposedly a haven for racists, what they failed to point out is that racists are prominent on every platform on the internet, so be truthful with your lies, agendas and propaganda. I believe in all women exercising their options by dating and marrying men who love, respect, honor, provide, protect, build and value them regardless of who they are and avoid those who don't.

Do you Serena and eff the idiots!!!

Photo Credit: Stephan d'Antel/MEGA


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